недеља, 3. новембар 2013.

Clare Chapman

Uznemirujuća lepota. Čije je ? Kome pripada? Nepoznanica.
 Novina intrigira svojom nejasnom pojavom. Sa koje planete komete? čije dete?
 Da li diše? Da li živi?

Oguljena. Površnski sloj je jedini koji vidimo. Klizi.
Hladno kao led... Sjajno kao daljina. Kipi.
Rana. Krv.

Apstraktna platna podsećaju na neke delove oku ne dostupne. Napumpano. 
Skrivena bića i njihova lepota nalaze se u mraku što pjačava njihovu misteriju...

"There is no specific external source to the imagery in my work. The forms and textures within are developed to depict a sense of organic metamorphosis, arrived at intuitively through the process of painting. The forms within the paintings are descriptive, yet remain indefinable, something existing in a state of inbetweeness, neither solid nor fluid, animate or inanimate. This friction between two states creating a sense of mutability and an underlying unease in their uncertainty. It is this abject kind of feeling that interests me, a discomfort in growth and sensation of the stuff that gets under the skin".
                                                                                Clare Chapman

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